Main Menu with Transparency command selected.
To adjust Menu Transparency level:
Press MENUMENU↓ to TRANSPARENCYENT. The TRANSPARENCY slider bar appears. Press ↑ or ↓ to move the bar. The lower end of the scale makes the menus opaque; the upper end is maximum transparency.
Units of Measure
This menu sets the speed and distance (statute or nautical miles, me- ters), depth (feet, fathoms, or meters), temperature (degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius), altitude (feet or meters) and heading (true or magnetic) units. To change the units:
Main Menu, System Setup submenu, left; Units of Measure Menu, right.
To set Unit of Measure: Use ↑ ↓ to select the desired category and press ENT. Use ↑ ↓ to select the desired unit of measure and press ENT. If you wish, you can now pick another category to change. After the op- tion is set, press EXITEXITEXIT to return to the page display.