Instruction Manual

IB-106-3081 Rev. 1.5 September 2002

Model 3081FG


Materials of Construction, 1-7

Materials of Construction, Electronics, 1-8 MAX CELL T Screen, 3-13 Mechanical Installation, Probe, 2-1 Menu Arrows, 3-5

Menu Tree, 3-4

Menu Tree for HART Communicator, 4-3 Menu Tree for HART/AMS, 4-4, 4-5, 4-6 Minimum Operating Temperatures, 3-1

Model 3081 Transmitter, 1-1, 1-3, 1-4, 2-6, 2-7, 2-10, 3-10

Model 3081 Transmitter, Installation, 2-7 Mounting Bracket, 2-7

Mounting Dimensions, Transmitter, 2-7, 2-8 Mounting Position, Probe, 1-7


NEMA, 1-6

NEMA 4X, 1-8

Nernst Equation, 1-3

NEXT Key, 3-5

Normal Operation Display, 3-1, 3-3


O2 CELL mV, 3-11

O2 Cell Open Fault, 6-6

Open Thermocouple Fault, 6-4

Outer Protection Tube, 1-7

Output, 1-8

Oxygen Probe, 1-1, 1-3, 2-10

Oxygen Probe Gas Connection, 2-11

Oxygen Probe Replacement, 5-3

Oxygen Probe, Installing, 2-1

Oxygen Probe, Locating, 2-1


Packaging, 1-6

Packing List, 2-1

Partial Pressure, 1-3

PC Board Stack Replacement, 5-1

Plant Air Connection, 2-12

Pneumatic Installation, 2-11

Power Supply Requirements, 1-8



Probe Insertion Depth, 2-5

Probe Insertion Rate, 2-6

Probe Installation Details, 2-2

Probe Lengths, 1-7

Probe Life, 6-1

Probe Mounting, 1-7

Probe Mounting Flange, 2-3

Product Matrix, 1-2

PROG Key, 3-5

Program Menu, 3-6

Program Menu, 3-4

Protective Cover, 2-1


Radio Frequency Interference (RFI), 2-10

Reference Air, 1-3, 1-7, 2-11

Reference Air Set, 1-1

Relative Humidity, 1-8

Replacement Parts, 8-1

RESET MAX CELL T Screen, 3-8

RESET Key, 3-5

Returning Equipment, 7-1

Reversed O2 Cell Fault, 6-7

Reversed Thermocouple Fault, 6-4


Selected Distributed Control Systems, 1-4 SET CODE Screen, 3-10

SET HI BOTTLE O2 Screen, 3-9 SET LO BOTTLE O2 Screen, 3-9 SET O2 FILTER TIME, 3-8 SET O2 TRACKING Screen, 3-10 Shipping Weight, 1-8

Shorted Thermocouple Fault, 6-5 SHOW FAULT Screen, 3-11 Signal Line Connections, 4-1 SLOPE Screen, 3-15

Slope vs. Impedance, 6-1 Specifications, 1-7 Speed of Installation, 1-7 Speed of Response, 6-2 Speed of Withdrawal, 1-7

SW BUILD DATE Screen, 3-13 SW BUILD NUMBER Screen, 3-13 SW VER Screen, 3-13


T/C mV Screen, 3-11

Temperature Limits, 1-7

Transmitter LCD, 3-3

Transmitter Terminal Block, 6-3

TRIM 20 mA? Screen, 3-9

TRIM 4 mA? Screen, 3-8

Troubleshooting, 6-1

Two-Wire In Situ Oxygen Analyzer, 1-1, 6-1

Type B Thermocouple, 1-3

Typical System Installation, 1-6

9-2 Index

Rosemount Analytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management

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Emerson instruction manual Model 3081FG