Model 3081FG

Instruction Manual

IB-106-3081 Rev. 1.5 September 2002




The HART Communicator may be interfaced


with a personal computer (PC) providing special

The HART Communicator is a handheld com-

software has been installed. To connect the

munications interface device. It provides a

HART Communicator to a PC, an interface

common communications link to all microproc-

adapter is required. Refer to the proper HART

essor-based instruments that are HART com-

Communicator documentation regarding the PC

patible. The handheld communicator contains

interface option.

an 8 x 21 character liquid crystal display (LCD)


and 25 keys. A pocket-sized manual, included


with the HART Communicator, details the spe-


cific functions of all the keys.



To interface with the Two-Wire In Situ Oxygen Analyzer, the HART Communicator requires a termination point along the 4-20 mA current loop and a minimum load resistance of 250 ohms between the communicator and the power sup- ply. The HART Communicator accomplishes its task using a frequency shift keying (FSK) tech- nique. With the use of FSK, high-frequency digital communication signals are superimposed on the 4-20 mA transmitter current loop. The communicator does not disturb the 4-20 mA signal since no net energy is added to the loop.

The HART Communicator can connect to the Two-Wire In Situ Oxygen Analyzer analog out- put signal line at any wiring termination in the 4- 20 mA current loop. There are two methods of connecting the HART Communicator to the sig- nal line. For applications in which the signal line has a load resistance of 250 ohms or more, re- fer to method 1 and Figure 4-1.For applications in which the signal line load resistance is less than 250 ohms, refer to method 2 and Figure 4-2.

Rosemount Analytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management


Page 47
Image 47
Emerson 3081FG instruction manual Section HART/AMS, Overview, Hart Communicator Signal Line, Connections, Hart/Ams