You assign the memory using a value from 0 to 9 for each channel. The factory setting is S:0 P:1 O:0. For example: if you have an ActionLaser 1500 and you are using PostScript in the S channel, HP 3/P/Si in the P channel, and nothing in the O channel, you might assign the proportion as S:3 P:1 O:0 because PostScript requires approximately three times as much memory as HP 3/P/Si.

After choosing INDIVIDUAL, press ) to move to the following display:


Available options

0.5M +S:O P:1 O:0 b SET P: 0-9S: 0-9 (ActionLaser 1500 only)

O: 0-9

The number on the left is the total number of megabytes available (ActionLaser 1000 has 0.5M and the ActionLaser 1500 has 1.0M standard), and the number to the right of each channel is the proportion of memory allocated to that channel. Usethearrowbuttonstoassignanewvaluefrom0to9toone or more channels.

After you finish the memory allocation, press ) . The display shows the following:


Available options

C A N 4 I N I T I A L I Z E b E X E4 (cancel)or)(execute)

Press ) to save the settings and restart the printer or press 4 to cancel the settings.


You can also save the settings by pressing EXIT to exit Level 2 and then initializing the printer as explained in Chapter 1.

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