Choosing the correct printer driver from the software menu helps to ensure that the application sends the correct codes to the printer. The ActionLaser 1000 emulates an HP LaserJet IIIP® andtheActionLaser1500emulatesanHPLaserJetIII,@soyou can access the most printer features from your software by choosing that printer driver or the selection closest to it.

Because the printer driver automatically places control codes in thedataforyourdocumentwhenitsendsthefiletotheprinter, software settings usually override the settings you made at the control panel. So, the best way to enter most of your printer selections is through the software. Some software packages also let you embed your own printer control codes into the document.


Your software’s manual and technical support representative are your best sources for information on installing your software. Printer drivers are included with your software package. Many manufacturers provide technical support phone assistance for helping you install your printer drivers.

This section provides quick instructions for using your printer with some software you may already have installed in your computer. The descriptions cover a number of the leading software packages. If you need further details or if you are using a package not described here, see the manual supplied with your software.

If you have documents or software that require a printer emulation other than HP LaserJet,@ see “Using Printer Emulations” later in this chapter.

Note:The descriptions below assume that you have already installed your software.
1-6 Controlling Your Printer