To feed paper automatically from the lower paper cassette, remove all paper from the standard paper bin or change the paper source and paper size, if necessary, with your application software.

Ifyoucannotchangethepapersourceorpapersizewithyour application software, see INPUT or PAGE SIZE in Chapter 4, “SelecType.”

Optional Interface Boards

You can use one of the following optional interface boards. To seeifothertypesofinterfaceboardsareavailable,contactyour Epson dealer.

Buffered Serial Interface (C823071)

Buffered Parallel Interface (C823101)

Twinax Interface Board (C823151)

Coax Interface Board (C823141)

Installing an inferface board

To install an optional interface board, you need a cross-head screwdriver.

1.Turnofftheprinter.Unplugthepowercordfromboththe electricaloutletandthebackoftheprinter.


5-22 Options