eIf the message REMOVE CARD appears on the display, you inserted the card when the printer was on line or when the printer’s memory contained data. Remove the card, press CONTINUE, then return to step 1.

4.Ifthepowerison,pressON LINE tosettheprinteronline.If thepowerisoff,turnontheprinter.


eIf the message ILLEGAL CARD appears on the display, repeat steps 1 through 4.

If you are using an identity card, you can select the emulation that the card offers. See the card’s manual for more information.

Ifyouareusingafontcard,seeAppendixesBandCfor information on selecting fonts.Removing a card

1.Ifyouareusinganidentitycard,turnofftheprinter.Ifyou areusingafontcard,settheprinteroffline.(IftheFEED lightison,pressFEED toprintoutanydatabeforeyou remove the card.)


eNever remove an identity card when the printer’s power is on.2.Graspthecardatthecenterandgentlypullitstraightoutof the slot.

Options 5-9