Font selected with software commands won’t print

Be sure you have installed the correct font cartridge and make sure that the orientation (portrait or landscape) matches the selected font.

Some or all of the output is garbled or printed as asterisks

Make sure that both ends of the interface cable are plugged in securely.

If you are using a serial interface, make sure that both the computer and printer are set to use the same number of data bits per word and that they both use the same parity, baud rate, and number of stop bits.

If the printer still does not print correctly, contact your dealer.

Position of the printout not correct

Make sure that you are using the correct page length and margin settings in your application program. Do not use SelecType to make these settings because software settings override SelecType.

Graphics don’t print correctly

Make sure that your software program is set for the printer emulation you are using. For example, if you are using the LJ-2P emulation, be sure that your graphics software is set for a LaserJet II printer.

3-6 Troubleshooting