T-MARGIN-Use this option to specify the distance from the topofthesheettothebaselineofthefirstprintableline.Thisis measured in 0.05-inch increments. The factory setting is 0.50 inches.


Available options

: T-MARGIN 0.50 b 0 . 50 - 150 (inch)

TEXT-Use this option to set the page length. The unit of measure for this option is 1/6th of an inch. The factory setting is66(linespacingis6linesperinch).


Available options

4 TEXT66LINES F 1 to available

If you change the ORIENT., PAGE SIZE, or T-MARGIN settings with SelecType, the form length setting automatically returns to the default setting for each paper size.

C-6 LQ and FX Emulation Modes