Checking the RITech setting

1.Enter SelecType Level 2 by pressing the LEVEL 2 button.

2.Press v until RITech and the current RITech setting appear on the display.

3.Press b three times. The printer prints the check pattern.

4.Lookatyourcheckpatterntoseeifyourcurrentsettingis correct. The check pattern is a rectangle with a pattern inside it, as shown below. When the RITech setting is best, you cannot see the pattern inside the rectangle.

RITech RITech



RITech may not improve graphics that include gray shading or a screen pattern. If you are printing such graphics, you may want to turn RITech off.

After you print a RITech pattern, SelecType Level returns to the default settings and the printer clears its memory including any downloaded font data.

1-20 Controlling Your Printer