You can use virtually any application program designed for the IBM PC, PC XT, PC AT, or compatible computers on your Equity 386/25 PLUS. You may also use powerful 32-bit software-such as Microsoft Windows/386™-with your computer.

VGA Utilities

Epson has provided special VGA utilities and device drivers that you can use with certain standard VGA monitors and multi-frequency monitors. Using these drivers, you can take advantage of extended and super-extended VGA features such as 16-color graphics mode resolutions up to 1024 x 768,256-color resolutions up to 640 x 480, and 132-column text mode.

How to Use This Manual

This manual explains how to set up and operate your

computer, install options, and run diagnostics checks. Although the illustrations show a computer with a 5¼-inch diskette drive, instructions are included for using a 3½-inch drive.

You do not need to read everything in this book; see the following chapter summaries.

Chapter 1 provides simple step-by-step instructions for setting up your system. On the back cover foldout are illustrations showing the different parts of your computer; refer to these as you set up your system.

Introduction 3