audit The collection of data about the use of system resources. Auditing provides a record of
audit class A grouping of audit events. Audit classes provide a way to select a group of events to audit.
audit event A
audit file An audit log where audit records are stored.
audit policy A set of auditing options that an administrator can enable or disable. These options include which events will be recorded and whether to record certain kinds of audit data. The options also include whether to suspend audible actions when the audit trail is full.
audit record Audit data that is stored in an audit file. An audit record describes a single
audit event. Each audit record is composed of audit tokens.
audit trail A set of audit logs that have been recorded by the server. The audit trail can be analyzed with the use of audit tools.
authentication A method by which a server validates and authorizes a user or function to access or use the server.
authorization The ability to perform an operation, act, or function with a computer resource (for example, run, modify, or show).
The means by which the ability is explicitly enabled or restricted in some way.
Capacity on Demand
(COD) An option that provides additional CPU processing resources when needed. These additional CPUs are provided on COD CPU boards that are installed in the server. To access the COD CPUs, you must purchase the COD
COD See Capacity on Demand (COD).