Note – If you create a new domain, you have to install the Solaris OS on the domain. Refer to the Solaris OS documentation collection for instructions.

Domain configuration typically includes these steps:

1.Log in to the XSCF console with appropriate privileges.

2.Specify the XSB mode, either Uni-XSB or Quad-XSB, using the setupfru command.

3.Set up information for a domain (the DCL), using the setdcl command. The DCL identifies the potential resources for a domain.

4.Assign the hardware resources (XSBs) to the domain, using the addboard command. The DCL must be set up before assigning XSBs to a domain.

5.Power on the domain, using the poweron command. (Step 5 and Step 6 may be done in reverse order.)

6.Open a console to the domain, using the console command.

7.If this is a new domain, at the OpenBoot PROM prompt, install the Solaris OS. Refer to the Solaris OS documentation collection for instructions.

8.Set up any services you want to use on the domain, such as NTP. Refer to Chapter 3 for information on services, including NTP.

Domain Configuration Example

This domain configuration example assumes one PSB in Uni-XSB mode will be set up in Quad-XSB mode and configured into two domains. The domain configuration will be:

domain0 = XSB#00-0 + XSB#00-2

domain1 = XSB#00-1 + XSB#00-3

XSCF> setupfru -x 4 sb 0

XSCF> showfru sb 0



XSB Mode

Memory Mirror Mode





XSCF> setdcl -d 0

-a 0=00-0


XSCF> setdcl -d 0

-a 1=00-2


56 SPARC Enterprise Mx000 Servers Administration Guide • November 2007