2. Type the setlookup command:

XSCF> setlookup -a localldap

XSCF> setlookup -p localldap

The -aoption sets the authentication lookup to either local or in LDAP; the -poption sets the privileges lookup to either local or in LDAP. When local is specified, lookup is only done locally; when ldap is specified, lookup is first done locally, then in LDAP if not found locally.

3. To verify the operation, type the showlookup command.

XSCF> showlookup

To Configure the XSCF as an LDAP Client

Make sure you have added an LDAP privileges schema to the LDAP server, and

attributes for each user on the LDAP server. Refer toand for information.

1.Log in to the XSCF console with useradm privileges.

2.Type the setldap command:

XSCF> setldap [-bbind] [-BbaseDN] [-ccertchain] [-p][-sservers] [-

tuser] -Ttimeout

where bind is the bind name, baseDN is the base Distinguished Name, certchain is an LDAP server certificate chain, -psets the password to use when binding to the LDAP server (you are prompted for the password), servers sets the primary and secondary LDAP servers and ports, user tests the server connection and password for the specified user, and timeout is the maximum amount of time allowed for an LDAP search before search results are returned. For more information on LDAP, refer to the setldap(8) man page, to the SPARC Enterprise M4000/M5000/M8000/M9000 Servers XSCF User’s Guide, and to the Solaris OS documentation collection.

3. To verify the operation, type the showldap command.

XSCF> showldap

34 SPARC Enterprise Mx000 Servers Administration Guide • November 2007