3.Verify the operation with the showfru command.

To Set Up a Domain Component List

1.Log in to the XSCF console with platadm privileges.

2.Type the setdcl command:

XSCF> setdcl -ddomain_id -alsb=xsb

where domain_id is the domain you are setting the DCL for; lsb is the LSB number; and xsb is the XSB number.

3.Verify the operation with the showdcl command.

To Assign an XSB to a Domain

1.Log in to the XSCF console with platadm privileges or domainadm privileges for a specific domain.

2.Type the addboard command:

XSCF> addboard -c assign -d domain_id xsb

where domain_id is the domain to which the XSB is to be assigned; xsb is the XSB number to be assigned to the domain. For example, to assign XSB00-0 in domain 0, enter:

XSCF> addboard -c assign -d 0 00-0

Once an XSB has been assigned to a domain, that XSB belongs to that domain until the domain unassigns it.

3.Verify the operation with the showboards -acommand.

To Power On a Domain

1.Log in to the XSCF console with platadm or fieldeng privileges or domainadm or domainmgr privileges for a specific domain.

Chapter 4 Domain Configuration