When you add a new user account, the account has no password, and cannot be used for logging in until the password is set or Secure Shell public key authentication is enabled for the user.
1.Log in to the XSCF console with useradm privileges.
2.Type the adduser command:
XSCF> adduser user
where user is the user name you want to add. (See the adduser(8) man page for rules about the user name.) If you do not specify a User ID (UID) number with the
3. Verify that the operation succeeded by typing the showuser command.
▼To Create a Password for an XSCF UserAny XSCF user can set his or her own password. Only a user with useradm privileges can set another user’s password.
1.Log in to the XSCF console with useradm privileges.
2.Type the password command:
XSCF> password
Please enter your password:
See the password(8) man page for rules about passwords. When typed without an argument, password sets the current user’s password. To set someone else’s password, include that person’s user name, for example:
XSCF> password user
Please enter your password:
where user is the user name you want to set the password for. You are prompted to enter, and then reenter, the password.
▼To Assign Privileges to an XSCF User1. Log in to the XSCF console with useradm privileges.
Chapter 2 Access Control | 15 |