a. To set the Service Processor host name:

XSCF> sethostname xscfu hostname

where xscfu can be xscf#0 (XSCF Unit 0) or xscf#1 (XSCF Unit 1 in a high- end server); hostname is the host name to be set for the specified Service Processor (XSCF Unit).

b. To set the Service Processor domain name:

XSCF> sethostname -d domainname

3. To verify the operation, type the showhostname command.

XSCF> showhostname -a xscfu

where -adisplays the host names for all XSCF Units, and xscfu displays information for a specific XSCF Unit, either xscf#0 or xscf#1.

To Set the Service Processor’s DNS Name Server

1.Log in to the XSCF console with platadm privileges.

2.Type the setnameserver command, followed by one or more IP addresses separated by a comma:

XSCF> setnameserver ip_address

3. To verify the operation, type the shownameserver command.

XSCF> shownameserver

To Enable or Disable Use of an LDAP Server for Authentication and Privilege Lookup

1. Log in to the XSCF console with useradm privileges.

Chapter 3 System Configuration