Mis-hit 6-16
Mode, acceleration 4-21 Mode, active 6-10 Mode, CHS 6-8 Mode, idle 6-10 Mode, LBA 6-9
Mode, power save 1-2, 6-9 Mode, sleep 6-11
Mode, stable rotation 4-21 Mode, standby 6-10 Mode, start 4-20
Model and product number 1-5 Model name and product number 1-5 Motor, spindle 2-3
Motor, voice coil 4-3 Mounting 3-3
Move head to reference cylinder 4-15 MPU 4-14
MTBF 1-8
MTTR 1-8
Multiword DMA data transfer 5-79 Multiword DMA data transfer timing 5-79 Multiword mode 2 2-4
NIEN 5-13
No hit 6-16
Noise and vibration 1-2
Operation 6-1 Operation, caching 6-14 Operation, seek 4-20 Operation, track following 4-20 Operation sequence 4-7 Operation to move head to reference
cylinder 4-19
Orientation 3-3 Other command 5-74 Outer guard band 4-18 Outerview 2-2 Outline 4-2
PAD 4-19
Parameter 5-14, 5-67
Parameter, default 6-7
Partially hit 6-21
Password, master 5-66
Password, user 5-66
Physical interface 5-2 PIO data transfer 5-76 PIO Mode 4 2-4 Positioning error 1-9 Power amplifier 4-17 Power commands 6-11 Power dissipation 1-6 Power-on 5-79
Power on/off sequence 1-6 Power-on sequence 4-6 Power on timing 5-80 Power requirement 1-5 Power save 6-9
Power save mode 1-2, 6-9 Power supply connector 3-9 PreAMP 4-9 Processing, command 4-9 Processing, sector slip 16-12 Product number, model name 1-5 Programmable filter 4-12 Programmable filter circuit 4-12 Protocol, command 5-69
Protocol, command execution without data transfer 5-73
Protocol, DMA data transfer 5-74 Protocol, for command abort 5-71 Protocol, READ SECTOR(S) command
Protocol, WRITE SECTOR(S) command 5-72
Protocol for command abort 5-71 Protocol for command execution without
data transfer 5-73
Rate, high-speed rate 1-2 Raw attribute value 5-58 Read, sequential 6-17 Read-ahead cache 6-14 Read-ahead cache system 1-3 READ BUFFER 5-45
Read circuit 4-12 READ DMA 5-21 READ LONG 5-43 READ MULTIPLE 5-18 READ SECTOR(S) 5-17
READ SECTOR(S) WITH RETRY 5-16 Read Sector(s) command protocol 5-70 READ VERIFY SECTOR(S) 5-22 Read/write circuit 2-4, 4-4, 4-9 Read/write circuit block diagram 4-11