5.3 Host Commands
(48) WRITE LOG EXT (X'3F')
The WRITE LOG EXTEND command writes versatile log data. Versatile log data includes the Extended SMART Comprehensive Error log, the Extended SMART
The number of a log to be written is specified as the Log address. For log data consisting of multiple sectors, a sector offset can be specified as an instruction so that data transfer starts from the specified sector. The number of sectors to be transferred is specified as the Sector count.
If this command is not supported, or if an invalid value is specified for the Log address, Sector count, or Sector offset, the Aborted Command error occurs.
•Error reporting conditions
(1)An error was detected during
(2)An error was detected during
(3)A write fault was detected while the write cache was disabled (ST = 71h, ER = 10h).
(4)While the write cache is enabled, if the status indicating a completed transfer (STS = 50h) is returned and a data write operation failed because a write fault was detected during the data write operation, Abort will be returned for all subsequent ATA commands (ST = 71h, ER = 04h). This state is cleared the next time that the device is turned on.
(5)An invalid log sector address or invalid Sector count (number of sectors to be transferred) is specified (ST = 51h, ER = 04h).
(6)The failure prediction capability is disabled (ST = 51h, ER = 04h).
(7)A check sum error was detected in the data transferred (ST = 51h, ER = 04h).
(8)A SATA communication error occurred (ST = 51h, ER = 0Ch).