1.3 Power Requirements
(4) Current Requirements and Power Dissipation
Table 1.3 lists the current and power dissipation (typical).
Table 1.3 Current and power dissipation
| Typical RMS Current | Typical Power (*3) |
| MHT2080BH, MHT2060BH, | MHT2080BH, MHT2060BH, |
| MHT2040BH | MHT2040BH |
Spin up (*1) | 1.0 A | 5.0 W |
Idle (*6) | 170 mA | 0.85 W |
R/W (on track) (*2) | Read 460 mA / Write 460mA | Read 2.3 W / Write 2.3 W |
Seek (*5) | 500 mA | 2.5 W |
Standby (*6) | 50 mA | 0.25 W |
Sleep (*6) | 20 mA | 0.1 W |
Energy | — | 0.011 W/GB |
Efficiency (*4) |
| (rank E / MHT2080BH) |
| 0.014 W/GB |
| (rank E / MHT2060BH) |
| 0.021 W/GB |
| (rank D / MHT2040BH) |
*1 Maximum current and power at starting spindle motor.
*2 Current and power level when the operation (command) that accompanies a transfer of 63 sectors is executed 3 times in 100 ms.
*3 Power requirements reflect nominal values for +5 V power.
*4 Energy efficiency based on the Law concerning the Rational Use of Energy indicates the value obtained by dividing power consumption by the storage capacity. (Japan only)
*5 The seek average current is specified based on three operations per 100 msec.
*6 IPM mode: Slumber mode.