Chapter 3 Setting Configuration Information

The parameters set in /etc/fjmtu.fjgi* and fjgi.conf file are not effective with DR(Dynamic Reconfiguration) function and Pci Hot Plug function. To be effective this file, the system must be rebooted.

3.3.3The ndd Utility

By using the ndd command, the interface communication mode can be changed dynamically. Usually, although it is not necessary to change the interface communication mode by the ndd command, when shown in the following examples, please change the interface communication mode by the ndd command.


It changed into the equipment which does not support Auto-Negotiation from the equipment which supports Auto-Negotiation for connection partner equipment after a system startup. Or it changed into the equipment which supports Auto-Negotiation from the equipment which does not support Auto-Negotiation conversely.

The following examples show how to display and set the parameters using the ndd command.

Setup of an instance number:

ndd -set /dev/fjgi 'instance' value

(Instance number "value" of an applicable


interface is specified.)

example) fjgi2 is specified.

# ndd -set /dev/fjgi 'instance' 2

(Note) carry out for referring to -- carry out for setting up -- it is necessary to specify the instance number of an applicable fjgi interface first

To display:

ndd -get /dev/fjgi 'param'

(param: Each parameter)

example) The state of the link of fjgi2 is referred to.

# ndd -set /dev/fjgi 'instance' 2

# ndd -get /dev/fjgi 'link_status'

To set:


-set /dev/fjgi 'param'



(param:each parameter and value: Value)

example) 1000Mbps/FullDuplex

of fjgi2 is disabled.















(Note) In this stage, a setup is not reflected in hardware yet.

When setting change is reflected (with no change of an Auto-Negotiation value):