Chapter 3 Setting Configuration Information

and belonging to VID 231, the following is used:

VLAN Interface Number = (1000 * VID) + Physical Instance Number fjgi231003 = (1000 * 231) + 3

Refer to "3.2 Environment Setting", and create the interface name fjgi231003.

Low 3 digits of VLAN interface number : physical instance number

Upper digits except low 3 digits of VLAN interface number: VLAN ID (1 - 4094).

VLAN interface number = VLAN ID * 1000 + physical instance number

When connecting VLAN interfaces to a LAN switch, the switch must support Tag VLAN. (Please refer to "Appendix E Available Switches".)

On the switch, set VLAN tagging and VLAN ports appropriately based on the VLANs setup on the server.

Use the VLAN interface only with the TCP/IP protocol. Do not use the VLAN interface with SNA/FNA or OSI protocol.

SafeLINK and PRIMECLUSTER GLS 4.1A20 (or earlier) do not support the VLAN function. PRIMECLUSTER GLS 4.1A30 (or later), in fast switching or NIC switching mode, does support the VLAN function.

The VLAN function is supported with Solaris 8 OS or later.

In a PRIMECLUSTER environment, when using a VLAN interface, check that the "SMAWdtcp" package has not been installed. If “SMAWdtcp” is installed, remove the package before setting up a VLAN interface.

A VLAN interface uses approximately 700Kb of memory at MTU1514 or 900Kb of memory at MTU9014 in an idle state. Therefore, when using two or more VLAN interfaces, a system slowdown may occur due to a shortage of resources, depending on system configuration.