Chapter 3 Setting Configuration Information

3.5 Network Installation

This section explains how to perform a Solaris OS network installation using the FUJITSU PCI GigabitEthernet interface.

1.Please refer to the "Advanced Installation Guide" for information on the setup of the server and clients for Solaris Jumpstart.

2.On the installation server, execute the following command and check the mini root directory for the client system.

The mini root directory for each client system is described in the /etc/bootparams file on the installation server.

# grep CLIENT_NAME /etc/bootparams

example) # grep CLIENT_NAME /etc/bootparams

CLIENT_NAME root=SERVER_NAME:/netinstall/Solaris_8/Tools/Boot install=

In the above example, the mini root directory is /netinstall/Solaris_8/Tools/Boot on the installation server. CLIENT_NAME is the name of the client system.

SERVER_NAME is the name of the installation server.

If the mini root directory name is not described in the /etc/bootparams file, please refer to the "Advanced Installation Guide".

3.Insert the "FUJITSU PCI GigabitEthernet 3.0 Update1" CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive of the installation server.

4.Install the "FUJITSU PCI GigabitEthernet 3.0 Update1" software to the mini root directory as shown in the examples below.

1)For PRIMEPOWER1 or PRIMEPOWER100 client systems:

#cd /cdrom/cdrom0/FJSVgid_3.0/PRIMEPOWER1_100

#pkgadd -Rmini_root_directory -d .

#cd /

NOTE: In this example, the installation server is setup to install Solaris 8 OS on the client. Substitute the appropriate Solaris level in the pkgadd command for other Solaris OS levels.

The package name may be displayed as "FJSVgid.2". This is normal.

2) For other PRIMEPOWER model client systems: