7.2 Troubleshooting Checklist












Check The Item Out








Scanning does not

Is ScanSnap Manager for

Install ScanSnap Manager for the ScanSnap



the ScanSnap S300M

S300M. (Refer to "2.1 Installing ScanSnap"



installed in your computer?

(page 6).)







When using a USB bus power cable, use a






powered USB hub equipped with an AC






adapter. If you connect to a non-powered hub,






the ScanSnap may not work properly.








Is the USB cable connected

Connect the USB cable correctly. (When a





hub is used, check the hub’s power supply.)






When using a USB bus power cable, use a






powered USB hub equipped with an AC






adapter. If you connect to a non-powered hub,






the ScanSnap may not work properly.









Is the

LED light blinking?

Disconnect and then re-connect the AC cable






and AC adapter.







(Wait at least five seconds before reconnect-






ing the AC or USB cable.)









Is ScanSnap Manager

If the ScanSnap Manager icon

is not



surely started?




(If ScanSnap Manager is

displayed, with Finder, select the destination



active, the ScanSnap Man-



folder where the ScanSnap is installed (gener-








ager icon


appears in

ally, you can find "ScanSnap" in "Applica-






tions"), and then select "ScanSnap Manager"



the Dock menu.)


to start up "ScanSnap Manager."









Is ScanSnap Manager

Perform the following:




running normally?

1. Disconnect and re-connect the AC cable



(If ScanSnap Manager is

and AC adapter. If doing so does not



not running normally, the

improve the situation, perform Step 2.



ScanSnap Manager icon in

2. If a USB hub is being used, directly



the Dock menu is in the not-

connect the ScanSnap to your computer.



ready state


If this does not improve the situation, per-



form Step 3.




Depending on the features

3. Restart your computer.




If none of the above operations resolves the



of the computer, the



problem, uninstall and re-install ScanSnap



ScanSnap may not be rec-







ognized shortly after the








power is turned on back if





the computer goes into the





sleep mode before turning





off the power.










Did you resume the com-

When you perform scanning after resuming



puter from the hibernation

the computer from the hibernation state, move






the mouse or press any key before scanning.






Vertical lines appear in

Is the inside of the ADF

Clean the inside of the ADF following the


the scanned image.




instructions in "Chapter 8 Daily Care" (page











ScanSnap S300M Operator's Guide