Symptom | Check The Item Out | Resolution |
Scanned images are | Are the document skewed | This deskew function can correct a skew of |
skewed (when "Cor- | less than | |
rect skewed character | it is fed into the ADF? | onto the ScanSnap using the side guide so |
strings automatically" is |
| that the document skew does not exceed this |
enabled). |
| limit. |
| Depending on the contents | Refer to ""Correct skewed character strings |
| of the document, the | |
| automatic image deskew |
| may not work properly. |
The orientation of | Depending on the contents | Refer to ""Allow automatic image rotation" |
scanned images is not | of document, the automatic | |
displayed correctly | image rotation may not work |
(when "Allow auto- | properly. |
matic image rotation" is |
enable.) |
Letters on the scanned | Have you scanned docu- | When small letters are squashed, select |
images cannot be read. | ments written in small let- | "Best" or "Excellent" in the [Image quality] |
| ters? | |
| "ScanSnap Manager - Scan and Save Set- |
| tings" window, and then |
| ment. |
| Note: If you scan the document in the Excel- |
| lent quality, the data size of the scanned |
| image increases and thus time required for |
| scanning is lengthened. |
A profile cannot be cre- | Is the ScanSnap in Quick | To create a profile with settings you want to |
ated with currently con- | Menu Mode? | use, uncheck [Use Quick Menu] and switch to |
figured settings. |
| Profile Mode. |
| Refer to "4.3 Saving Scanning Settings" (page |
| 70). |
The document is not | 1. Is the inside of the | Clean the dirty locations. When scanning a |
fed properly or gets | ScanSnap dirty? | document that is hard to feed, load it sheet by |
jammed. | 2. Are you scanning one of | sheet. |
| the following? |
| Thin paper |
| Torn paper |
| Folded paper |
Black lines are pro- | Is the scanned documents | Black lines may be produced on scanned doc- |
duced on the scanned | written with pencil? | uments written with a pencil, making the roll- |
document. |
| ers dirty or causing improper paper feeding. |
| To avoid such troubles, clean rollers as often |
| as possible. |
| For information about how to clean rollers, |
| refer to "8.2 Cleaning the Inside of the |
| |