3Select ▲ or ▼ to zoom in or out on the map.
Map Features
➊Points to North
➋Your current location
➌Zoom level
Marking Your Location
A location is any point that you store in memory. If you want to remember landmarks or return to a certain spot, you can mark a location. The location appears on the map with a name and a symbol. You can find, view, and go to locations at any time.
1Go to the place where you want to mark a location.
2Select MODE > GPS > Save Location.
3Enter a name in the top field.
4Select OK.
Marking a Location Using
1Select MODE > GPS > Save Location.
2Enter the coordinates in the Position field.
3Select OK.
Navigating to a Location
1Select MODE > GPS > Go to Location.
2Select a location.
3 Select Go To.
When you are navigating to a location, the map and compass are automatically added to the page loop.
4Select START.
5Select MODE to view the map.
6Follow the line on the map to the location.
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