GEK-00029A 5000 Series Programmer’s Manual
GSM Graphic Size M odification: This sequence will change the height
and/or width of graphic characters. The first and second parameters
are the percentages by which the height and width respectively will
be multiplied. The default value for both p1 an d p2 is 100 percent.
General Command Syntax
ESC [ Pn1;Pn2 SP B
Decimal: 27 91 Pn1 59 Pn2 32 50
Hex : 1B 5B Pn1 3B Pn2 20 42
BASIC: CHR$(27);”[“;Pn1;”;”;Pn2;” B”;
GSS Graphic Size Selection: Sets the height and width of all characters
that start after the control sequence.
General Command Syntax
Decimal: 27 91 Pn 32 77
Hex: 1B 5B Pn 20 43
BASIC: CHR$(27);”[“;Pn;” C”;
S7C1T Select 7-Bit C1 Transmission: This sequence causes the printer to
use 7-bit encoding for all C1 control characters transmitted. All C1
characters are then represented as two-character ESC sequences.
General Command Syntax
Decimal: 27 32 70
Hex: 1B 20 46
BASIC: CHR$(27);” F”;
Pn1 is a decimal value that specifies the height of the f ont as a
percentage of the height set by the GSS sequenc e. Pn2 is a
decimal value that specifies the width as a percentage of the
width set by the GSS sequence. Fonts can be modified by two or
three times their default height and two times their default
Pn is a decimal value that species the height of the f ont in
units determined by the Select Size Unit (SUU) sequence. The
width of the font is implicitly define d by the height. The
default value for Pn is 100. The GSS sequence remains in effect
until the printer receives another GSS sequence or a Graphic
Size Modification (GSM) sequence.