Chapter 6. Epson FX286-E Emulation GEK-00029A
ESC ( T nl n2 Assign a Code Page to Variable 1: Assigns a code page to (n2)(m1)
m1...m5 the 1 variable used by the ESC t sequence. Note that this sequence is
very similar to the ESC ( t sequence except that variable 1 is the only
variable that can accept a code page assignment. Also, more code
page choices are available by using this sequence rather than the
ESC ( t sequence.
If a code page is selected that is not supported by the current font set
or an invalid parameter is received, the sequence will be discarded
and the multilingual code page will remain unchanged. Some code
pages might not be available in a specific set of firmware. If the
sequence specifies a code page that is not currently installed, the
sequence is ignored.
Parameters n1, n2, and ml through m3 are discarde d by the
emulation; however, they must appear in the sequence and represent
some value (or zero).
The following table lists the parameters required to select the
different code pages.
m4 m3 Code Page
00 00 No change from current setting
01 B5 Code page 437 (USA)
03 52 Code page 850 (multilingual)
03 54 Code page 852
03 55 Code page 853 (Cyrillic)
03 59 Code page 857
03 5C Code page 860
03 61 Code page 865 (Norway)
03 62 Code page 866 (Russian)
03 63 Code page 867
03 65 Code page 869
21 7C USSR GOST (Russian)
21 7D Code page 437 (Greek)
21 7E DEC multinational (LA-210)
21 7F Roman 8
21 80 Mazowia (Polish)
21 81 Turkey
21 82 Greece
21 8F ISO 8859-1 Western Europe
21 90 ISO 8859-2 Eastern Europe
21 91 ISO 8859-3 Southern Europe
21 92 ISO 8859-4 Northern Europe
21 93 ISO 8859-5 Cyrillic
21 94 ISO 8859-6 Arabic
21 95 ISO 8859-7 Greek
21 96 ISO 8859-8 Hebrew
21 97 ISO 8859-9 Southern Europe 2
17 1B ISO 8859-15
03 5A Code Page 858
Decimal: 27 91 84 n1 n2 m1 ... m5
Hex: 1B 5B 54 n1H n2H m1H ... m5H
BASIC: CHR$(27);"[T";CHR$(n1);CHR $(n2);
CHR$(m1); . . .;CHR$(m5)