GEK-00029B 5000 Series Programmer’s Manual
Example 3: Showing the Importance of ResettingScaling Factors
If line 50, which sets the size to X1 V and X1 H. is removed, the data
printed in line 60 is now subject to the expanded mo de of printing.
Notice (below) that the 1234 printed line is expanded vertically by X3
10 LPRINT CHR$(27); "[300;300B";
20 LPRINT CHR$(27); "[1|";
30 LPRINT "ABCabc";
40 LPRINT CHR$(27); "[0|"
60 LPRINT "1234"
In BASIC, LPRINT statements automatically generate an LF/CR
at the end of the line unless suppressed by a semic olon. Since
line 30 does not end with a semicolon, an LF/CR oc curred at
the lpi in effect (still in oversize). This accounts for t he vertical
distance between the ABCabc line and the 1234 line.