Chapter 6. Epson FX286-E Emulation GEK-00029A
ESC J n Single Variabl e Line Feed: This sequence causes the contents of the
print buffer to print. The print position i s then moved down the page
by the distance specified by the parameter in 1/216-inch increments.
This sequence does not affect spacing of subsequent line actions. The
parameter values allow a vertical movement from 0 t o 1.18 inches
(255/216). If n is not an exact multiple of 3/216=1/72-inch, then the
movement is approximate. The paramete r n=24 can be used to get
the exact line spacing for the eight-bit graphics mode.
Zero is a valid parameter value that produces no vertical motion.
21 7 dots
24 8 dots
27 8 lpi
36 6 lpi (12 dots
Decimal: 27 74 n
Hex: 1B 4A nH
BASIC: CHR$(27);ā€Jā€;CHR$(n);