"; . Hex: 1B 57 BASIC: CHR$(27);"W";"> Genicom GEK 00031B Hex: 1B 57 <n> BASIC: CHR$(27);"W<n>";
Chapter 6. Epson FX286-E Emulation GEK-00029A
ESC S n Select Superscript/Subscript Pri nting: This sequence ends the
current print buffer and causes its contents to be pr inted. In each
mode, the character is shortened to half height and then positioned
in the upper (superscripts or lower (subscript) half of the print line.
These print modes are mutually exclusively. Selects superscript or
subscript printing according to the value of n as follows:
n=1 enable subscript
n=0 enable superscript
Decimal: 27 83 (n)
Hex: 1B 53 (nH)
BASIC: CHR$(27);"S";CHR$(n);
ESC T Cancel Superscript/Subscript Printing: Cancels the superscript or
subscript printing mode. Characters are printed at their normal size
and previous baseline positions.
Decimal: 27 84
Hex: 1B 54
BASIC: CHR$(27);"T";
ESC SO Select Double-Wide Printing (1 Line): Performs the same function
as the SO control code.
Decimal 27 14
Hex 1B 0E
BASIC CHR$(27);CHR$(14);
ESC W n Turn Double-Wide Printing Mode ON/OFF: Turns double-wide
printing on or off according to the parameter n as follows:
n=1 double-wide on
n=0 double-wide off
Decimal: 27 87 <n>
Hex: 1B 57 <n>BASIC: CHR$(27);"W<n>";
The superscript or subscript mode is not allowed when double-
high print is selected. Either can be selected during d ouble-
high printing, but they will not take effect until the doubl e-
high mode is canceled.
If double-wide had been turned on previously by the SO co ntrol
code, this mode is canceled and the ESC W sequence has