GEK-00029B 5000 Series Programmer’s Manual
GSM Graphic Size M odification: Modifies the Current Font Definition
height or width, established by the Graphic Size Selection (GSS)
Source: Application Destination: Level 3
CSI Pn1 Pn2 SP B
Pn1 is a decimal value that specifies the height of the character as a
percentage of die height selected by the GSS command.
Pn1 Meaning
0 Set height to 100% of GSS.
n Set height to Ps% of GSS.
Pn2 is a decimal value that specifies the width as a percentage of the
width set by the GSS command.
Pn2 Meaning
0 Sets width to 100% of width set by GSS.
n Percentage of the width set by GSS.
The modification remains in effect until the next GSM or Graphic Size
Selection (GSS) command occurs in the data stream, or until reset or
power down.
The GSM command can be used in the middle of a line without
affecting the alignment of characters along the baseline.
Side Effects
The GSM command affects line spacing only when a font-dependent
Vertical Advance Increment (VAI) is in effect.
Notes to Software
If you are not using a font-dependent VAI, or if you switch to taller
characters in the middle of a line, use Select Vertical Spacing (SVS) to
accommodate the change in character size.