Error Code | Description of Error Condition |
E6H | PCCC Description: Illegal Address, address does not exist, or does not point to something usable by this command. |
E7H | Target node cannot respond because length requested is too large. |
E8H | PCCC Description: Cannot complete request, situation changed (file size, for example) during |
E9H | PCCC Description: Data or file is too large. Memory unavailable. |
EAH | PCCC Description: Request is too large; transaction size plus word address is too large. |
EBH | Target node cannot respond because target node denies access. |
ECH | Target node cannot respond because requested function is currently unavailable. |
EDH | PCCC Description: Resource is already available; condition already exists. |
EEH | PCCC Description: Command cannot be executed. |
EFH | PCCC Description: Overflow; histogram overflow. |
F0H | PCCC Description: No access. |
F1H | Local processor detects illegal target file type. |
F2H | PCCC Description: Invalid parameter; invalid data in search or command block. |
F3H | PCCC Description: Address reference exists to deleted area. |
F4H | PCCC Description: Command execution failure for unknown reason; |
F5H | PCCC Description: Data conversion error. |
F6H | PCCC Description: The scanner is not able to communicate with a 1771 rack adapter. This could be due to the scanner not |
| scanning, the selected adapter not being scanned, the adapter not responding, or an invalid request of a “DCM BT (block |
| transfer)”. |
F7H | PCCC Description: The adapter is not able to communicate with a module. |
F8H | PCCC Description: The 1771 module response was not valid size, checksum, etc. |
F9H | PCCC Description: Duplicated Label. |
FAH | Target node cannot respond because another node is file owner (has sole file access). |
FBH | Target node cannot respond because another node is program owner (has sole access to all files). |
FCH | PCCC Description: Disk file is write protected or otherwise inaccessible |
FDH | PCCC Description: Disk file is being used by another application; update not performed |
FFH | Local communication channel is shut down. |
•Codes E0 to EF represent EXT STS codes 0 to F.
•Codes F0 to FC represent EXT STS codes 10 to 1C.