GEK-00029A 5000 Series Programmer’s Manual
VFU End Load V ertical Format Unit (End Load): This sequence will end
the Vertical Format Unit load.
General Command Syntax
ESC [ < 1 l <- Note lower case L as the last character .
Decimal: 27 59 60 49 84
Hex: 1B 5B 3C 31 6C
BASIC: CHR$(27);"[<1l";
VFU Channel Command: This sequence will control paper motion. P1
consists of three digits nnn. When the first n equals 9, reverse paper
motion occurs. If the first n equals any value other than 0 or 9, the
entire sequence is ignored.
General Command Syntax
ESC [ P1 & Y
The table of values of nnn follows:
Move Forward to
Move Backward to
000 1 900 1
001 2 901 2
002 3 902 3
003 4 903 4
004 5 904 5
005 6 905 6
006 7 906 7
007 8 907 8
008 9 908 9
009 10 909 10
010 11 910 11
011 12 911 12
Decimal: 27 59 P1 38 121
Hex : 1B 5B P1 26 79
BASIC: CHR$(27);"[";P1;"&Y";
Selecting any other channel than those defined in the above table will
result in default to channel 12 (BOF).
If a channel is not defined and channel 12 is undefin ed, the move will
be to the next line.
If the VFU table is not loaded and channel commands are sent to it, a
line feed occurs.