GEK-00029B 5000 Series Programmer’s Manual
Sequence Meaning Page
ESC A n Set text line spacing to n/72 inch 114
ESC B n1…n64 0 Set vert ical tabs by line numbers 115
ESC C n Set form length in lines 115
ESC C 0 m Set form length in inches 115
ESC D n1…n28 0 Set horizontal tab stops in columns 115
ESC E Start emphasized pr inting 115
ESC F Cancel emphasized printing 115
ESC G Select double-strike printing 115
ESC H Cancel double-strike printing 116
ESC I n Select print mode. 0 - DP. 2 NLQ 116
ESC J n Graphics variable line spacing n/216 inch 114
ESC K n1 n2 v1…vn Normal density graphics (60 DPI) 120
ESC L n1 n2 v1…vn Dual density graphics l ow speed (120 DPI) 120
ESC N n Skip perforation ON 116
ESC O Skip perforation OFF 116
ESC P n Proportional space mode 117
ESC Q n Deselect printer 117
ESC R Set all tabs to power on settings 117
ESC S n Super/Sub script on 117
ESC T Super/Sub script off 117
ESC U n Unidirectional print on/off 117
ESC W n Doubl e-wide print on/off 118
ESC X n m Set horizontal margins 118
ESC Y n1 n2 v1…vn Dual density graphics (full speed) 120
ESC Z n1 n2 v1…vn Quad density graphics (reduced speed) 121
ESC 0 Set 1/8 line spacing 113
ESC 1 S et 7/72 line spacing 113
ESC 2 Start text line spacing 113
ESC 3 n Set graphics line spacing (n/216) 114
ESC 4 Set top of form 114
ESC 5 n Automatic line feed on/off 114
ESC 6 S elect character set 2 114
ESC 7 S elect character set 1 114
ESC _ n Continuous ov erscore on/off 112
ESC - n Continuous underline on/off 112
ESC : 12 CPI printing 112
ESC ^ Print single character from chart 112
ESC n1 n2 Print continuously from chart 112
ESC [T n1 n2 m1.. m5 Select Code Page 113