4.Loosen the thumbscrew shown in the figure above, then use the knurled knob to adjust the guide bearings laterally so that the bear- ing faces are just behind the blade gullet, as illustrated in the following figure.
Figure 34. The blade guide bearings should be
positioned just behind the blade gullets.
Note: With wider blades, it may not be pos- sible to bring the guide bearings just behind the blade gullets. In that case, position them as far forward as possible without allowing the guide bearing housing to touch the back of the blade.
To reduce the risk of damage to the blade or guide bearings, make sure that the bearings do not contact the blade teeth when the blade is deflected backward.
5.When you are satisfied with the lateral adjust- ment of the guide bearings,
Model G0555/G0555P (Mfg. Since 5/11)
6.Loosen both cap screws behind the guide bearings, then rotate the adjustment cap screws so the bearings evenly and lightly touch the sides of the blade (see the illustra- tion in the following figure).
Note: When the blade guide bearings are properly adjusted against the blade, they should still be able to rotate.
Figure 35. Blade guide bearings evenly and
lightly touching the sides of the blade.
7.While keeping the adjustment cap screws from turning with one hex wrench, re-tighten the locking cap screws to secure the set- tings.
Whenever changing a blade or adjusting the blade tension or tracking, the support and guide bearings must be