model g0555/g0555p (mfg. Since 5/11) -31-

Operation Overview

The purpose of this overview is to provide the nov-
ice machine operator with a basic understanding
of how the machine is used during operation, so
the machine controls/components discussed later
in this manual are easier to understand.
Due to the generi c nature of this overview, it is
not intended to be an instructional guide. To learn
more about specific operations, read this entire
manual and seek additional training from expe-
rienced machine o perators, and do additional
research outside of this manual by reading "how-
to" books, trade magazines, or websites.
To complete a typical operation, the operator
does the following:
1. examines the workpiece to make sure it is
suitable for cutting.
2. Adjusts the fence for the width of the cut and
then locks it in place.
3. Adjusts the table tilt, if necessary, to the cor-
rect angle of the desired cut.
4. loosens the guide post lock knob, adjusts
the upper blade guide height to just clear the
workpiece, then re- tightens the guide post
lock knob.
5. Checks to make sure the workpiece can safe-
ly pass all the way through the blade without
interference from other objects.
6. puts on safety glasses and a respirator.
7. Starts the dust collector and bandsaw.
8. holds the workpiece firmly and flatly against
both the table and fence, and then pushes
the workpiece into the blade at a steady and
controlled rate until the workpiece moves
completely beyond the blade.
the operator is very careful to keep fingers
away from the blade and uses a push stick to
feed narrow workpieces.
9. Stops the bandsaw.
Damage to your eyes and lungs could result
from using this machine without proper pro-
tective gear. Always wear safety glasses and
a respirator when operating this machine.
To r educe the risk of
serious injury when using
this machine, read and
understand this entire
manual before operating.
If you have never used this type of machine
or equipment before, WE STRONGLy REc-
OMMEND that you read books, review
industry trade mag azines, or get formal
training before beginning any proj ects.
Regardless of the content in this section,
Grizzly Industrial will not be held liable for
accidents caused by lack of training.