model g0555/g0555p (mfg. Since 5/11) -51-
Upper Wheel Lateral Adjustment
if the upper wheel is tilted laterally (side to side),
perform the following procedure to make it copla-
nar with the lower wheel.
there are two set screws in the upper wheel
bracket, shown in figures 6566, that adjust the
wheel tilt from side to side.
Tools Needed Qty
hex Wrench 2.5mm ............................................1
Wrench or Socket 19mm ....................................1
To adjust the upper wheel laterally:
1. diSConneCt BAndSAW From poWer!
2. remove the blade from the machine.
3. remove the hex nut that secures the upper
wheel, then slide the wheel from the shaft.
4. thread one set screw out and thread the
other set screw in the same amount to tilt the
wheel laterally.
For instance, to tilt the right side of the upper
wheel back, thread the rear set screw out
and thread the front set screw in the same
5. Slide the upper wheel back on the shaft,
then repeat the checking Wheel Alignment
procedure and, if necessary, repeat this pro-
cedure until the upper wheel is coplanar with
the lower wheel.
figure 65. Front lateral adjustment set screw
(viewed with the upper wheel removed).
Front Adjustment
Set Screw
figure 66. rear lateral adjustment set screw.
rear Adjustment
Set Screw