DISCONNECTING POWER SUPPLY.Alwaysdis- connect machine from power supply before ser- vicing, adjusting, or changing cutting tools (bits, blades, cutters, etc.). Make sure switch is in OFF positionbeforereconnectingtoavoidanunexpect- edorunintentionalstart.
APPROVED OPERATION. Untrained operators can be seriously hurt by machinery. Only allow trained or properly supervised people to use machine. When machine is not being used, dis- connect power, remove switch keys, or
DANGEROUS ENVIRONMENTS. Do not use machinery in wet or rainy locations, cluttered areas,aroundflammables,orindarkareas.Keep
ONLY USE AS INTENDED. Only use machine for its intended purpose. Never modify machine forapurposenotintendedbythemanufacturer!
USE RECOMMENDED ACCESSORIES.Consult thisowner’smanualorthemanufacturerforrec- ommended accessories. Using improper acces- sorieswillincreasetheriskofseriousinjury.
CHILDREN & BYSTANDERS. Keep children andbystandersasafedistanceawayfromwork area.Stopusingmachineifchildrenorbystand- ersbecomeadistraction.
REMOVE ADJUSTING TOOLS. Never leave adjustmenttools,chuckkeys,wrenches,etc.inor
SECURING WORKPIECE. When required, use clamps or vises to secure workpiece. A secured workpieceprotectshandsandfreesbothofthem tooperatethemachine.
FEED DIRECTION.Unlessotherwisenoted,feed work against the rotation of blades or cutters. Feedinginthesamedirectionofrotationmaypull yourhandintothecut.
FORCING MACHINERY.Donotforcemachine. It will do the job safer and better at the rate for whichitwasdesigned.
GUARDS & COVERS. Guards and covers can protect you from accidental contact with moving parts or flying debris. Make sure they are prop- erly installed, undamaged,and workingcorrectly beforeusingmachine.
NEVER STAND ON MACHINE.Seriousinjuryor accidental contact with cutting tool may occur if machineistipped.Machinemaybedamaged.
STABLE MACHINE. Unexpectedmovementdur- ing operations greatly increases risk of injury or loss of control. Before starting, verify machines arestableandmobilebase(ifused)islocked.
AWKWARD POSITIONS. Keep proper footing andbalanceatalltimeswhenoperatingmachine. Donotoverreach!Avoidawkwardhandpositions that make workpiece control difficult or increase theriskofaccidentalinjury.
UNATTENDED OPERATION. Never leave machinerunningwhileunattended.Turnmachine offandensureallmovingpartscompletelystop beforewalkingaway.
MAINTAIN WITH CARE.Followallmaintenance instructions and lubrication schedules to keep machineingoodworkingcondition.Animproperly maintainedmachineincreasesriskofinjury.
CHECK DAMAGED PARTS. Regularly inspect machine for damaged parts, loose bolts, mis- adjusted or
MAINTAIN POWER CORDS. When disconnect- ing
EXPERIENCING DIFFICULTIES. If at any time you are experiencing difficulties performing the intended operation, stop using the machine! Contact our Technical Support Department at
Model G0555/G0555P (Mfg. Since 5/11) |