10.Lift the assembly upright and rotate it so the inlet/outlet directions are suitable for your shop.
11.Lift the motor/blower housing assembly with a forklift and attach the intake cylinder to the bottom of the housing, as shown Figure 19, using (4)
Note: Because this part of the dust collec- tor is not accessible after the assembly is complete, consider using Medium Strength Blue Thread Locker (Grizzly Model T21854) on the bolts that secure the intake cylinder to the motor/blower housing assembly to ensure that the fasteners won't come loose with vibration.
x 4
Figure 19. Intake cylinder attached to the bottom
of motor/blower housing.
12.Place the remaining barrel gasket on top of the intake barrel, then carefully lower the motor/blower housing assembly on top of it approximately 1" away from the intake bar- rel.
13.Using two punches or Phillips screwdriv- ers, align the mounting holes, as shown in Figure 20, and lower the assembly onto the intake barrel.
Barrel Gasket
Figure 20. Aligning the mounting holes.
Note: In the next step, when installing the two bolts above the intake port, use duct tape on the bottom of your wrench to hold the bolts in place, as shown in Figure 21. This will enable you to start the bolts easier.