Scoring Blade
The scoring blade included with the Model G0700 has wedge shaped teeth. With this style of scoring blade, the kerf thickness is adjusted by changing the height of the scoring blade. Raising the scor- ing blade higher increases the kerf thickness.
Changing Scoring Blade
2.Remove the blade guard and move the blade tilt to 0˚ (blade 90˚ to table).
3.Move the sliding table to the side and pull the blade cover open.
4.Insert the arbor lock tool in the table, rotate the scoring blade to seat the arbor lock tool, and use the arbor wrenches to remove the arbor nut and scoring blade (see Figure 52).
Arbor Lock |
Tool |
Tighten |
Loosen |
Figure 52. Removing/installing scoring blade.
5.Install the new scoring blade as shown in Figure 52, tighten the arbor nut, and adjust the scoring blade alignment and height as necessary.
Adjusting Scoring Blade
2.Unlock the scoring blade controls by inserting a 6mm hex wrench into the controls lock hole shown in Figure 53 and turning the mecha- nism inside counterclockwise until loose.
Height Control |
Controls Lock |
Alignment Control |
Figure 53. Checking and adjusting scoring blade
3.Place a straightedge across the body of the main blade (not the teeth) and align the body of the scoring blade to the main blade, by turning the alignment control (Figure 53) with a 6mm hex wrench.
4.Adjust the height of the scoring blade, by turning the height control (Figure 53) with a 6mm hex wrench, until the exposed portion equals the kerf thickness of the main blade.
Note: The easiest way to match the scor- ing blade kerf is by laying a straightedge on the table, and placing it up against the main blade teeth and beyond the scoring blade, then adjusting the scoring blade height until its teeth align with the main blade teeth. Also check on the other side of the blades to verify that the kerf thickness matches and the scor- ing blade is aligned with the main blade.