Configuring Secure Shell (SSH)

Messages Related to SSH Operation

Messages Related to SSH Operation





00000K Peer unreachable.

Indicates an error in communicating with the tftp server or


not finding the file to download. Causes include such factors




• Incorrect IP configuration on the switch


• Incorrect IP address in the command


• Case (upper/lower) error in the filename used in the




• Incorrect configuration on the TFTP server


• The file is not in the expected location.


• Network misconfiguration


• No cable connection to the network



00000K Transport error.

Indicates the switch experienced a problem when


trying to copy tftp the requested file. The file may not


be in the expected directory, the filename may be


misspelled in the command, or the file permissions


may be wrong.



Cannot bind reserved TCP port

The ip ssh port command has attempted to configure a


reserved TCP port. Use the default or select another port

number. See “Note on Port Number” on page 4-17.




Client public key file corrupt or not

The client key does not exist in the switch. Use copy

found. Use 'copy tftp pub-key-file <ip-

tftp to download the key from a TFTP server.

addr> <filename>' to download new file.




Download failed: overlength key in key

The public key file you are trying to download has one of the


following problems:


• A key in the file is too long. The maximum key length is

Download failed: too many keys in key

1024 characters, including spaces. This could also mean


that two or more keys are merged together instead of


being separated by a <CR><LF>.

Download failed: one or more keys is not a valid public key.

There are more than ten public keys in the key file and switch total. Delete some keys from the switch or file. The switch does not detect duplicate keys.

One or more keys in the file is corrupted or is not a valid rsa public key.

Refer to “To Create a Client-Public-Key Text File” on page 23 for information on client-public-key properties.
