164 hp Jornada 560 series personal digital assistant User’s Guide
CompactFlash card about, 82, 95, 155 connecting to mobile phone, 59 connectivity kit, 59 installing, 95
memory, 52, 78, 81, 82, 83, 84, 133, 137
modem, 58 NIC, 58
power usage, 14, 78, 80, 134 slot, 96
storing audio files on, 115 connecting
by infrared, 55, 59 by LAN, 50
by mobile phone, 59 by modem, 58
by USB cradle, 53 closing a connection, 62 to a network, 139
to desktop PC, 53, 55 to Internet, 57, 60
to ISP, 60
to mail server, 69
to remote computer, 57 contacting HP, 144 Contacts
about, 5, 97, 101 adding notes to, 103 backing up, 3, 82, 83 categorizing, 103 creating, 102 customizing display of, 102 finding, 103
hot key, 18, 86, 88 sorting, 18 Summary Screen, 104 synchronizing, 48 viewing, 103 zooming, 142
converting files, 51 cover, 152
cradle. See USB cradle customer service. See technical
dc jack, 13, 54 DHCP protocol, 155
Align Screen control panel, 4, 18, 22, 137
backlight, 4, 14, 19, 78, 79, 86, 136, 141
brightness, 4, 141 cleaning, 19
radiated interference, 20 troubleshooting, 136, 141 turning off, 17, 79, 115 turning on, 17, 19, 79
DNS, 155 drawings
adding to book text, 119 creating, 39
resizing, 40 selecting, 40 zooming, 40
drivers. See software drivers
eBooks. See Reader
adding recordings to, 41 composing messages, 73 connecting to mail server, 69, 70 deleting messages, 70
folder behavior, 75, 76 moving messages, 75 organizing messages, 75 reading messages, 71, 72, 73 receiving attachments, 72 sending messages, 68, 74 signatures, 32 synchronizing, 48, 69 working offline, 70
EMusic.com, 115
Exchange, 51, 68, 69, 74, 97, 120