Sending from the Document Assistant

1Load your document top down in the document tray, and with the printed side facing away from you. You can load up to 20 pages, or a single scan/copy sleeve. If necessary, adjust the guides for the width of your document. The Document Assistant is displayed on your computer screen.

Note: Always remove staples and paper clips from your original before faxing to avoid equipment damage.

When you load your document, the Document Assistant asks you what you want to do.

2Click Fax. The Send Fax dialog box displays.

Enter the fax number or a Phone Book entry

3Enter the fax number in the Fax Number box, or click an entry in your Phone Book. Enter any other information, such as a name.

Note: When entering the fax number, include all the numbers you would enter if you were dialing the number from a phone. (For example, enter 1 and the area code for long-distance calls.)

For more information about the features and settings in the Send Fax dialog box, click the Help button.

4When you’re ready to begin sending, click Send Fax Now. To cancel a fax in progress, press Stop on the keypad.


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