
Possible cause





(continued from

If the printing appears faded

Windows PC

previous page)

or dull, you may be using

• Click Normal or Best, instead

Print quality is poor.

Everyday or FastDraft mode.

of Everyday or FastDraft, on



the Quality tab of the printer



Properties dialog box.






• Click Normal or Best, instead



of Everyday or FastDraft, on



the Paper Type/Quality panel



in the Print dialog box.





If the print is smeared, the

Windows PC


selected print quality may be

• Click Everyday or FastDraft,


using too much ink for the

instead of Best or Normal, on


type of paper you are using.

the Quality tab of the printer



Properties dialog box.






• Reduce the amount of ink by



clicking Advanced Features



from the Features tab of the



printer Properties dialog box



and using the Ink Volume









• Click Everyday or FastDraft,



instead of Best or Normal, on



the Paper Type/Quality panel



in the Print dialog box.






• Reduce the amount of ink. On



the Paper Type/Quality panel



in the Print dialog box, select



the Ink tab. Use the sliders to



adjust the ink density.





basics guide