The following table describes the commands used to display information about IGMP groups learned by the switch.

Table 38 IGMP Multicast Group menu options






Displays the Multicast Router Menu.



find <IP address>

Displays a single IGMP multicast group by its IP address. For example,



vlan <1-4095>

Displays all IGMP multicast groups on a single VLAN.



port <port number>

Displays all IGMP multicast groups on a single port.



trunk <1-12>

Displays all IGMP multicast groups on a single trunk group.




Displays information for all multicast groups.



IGMP multicast router port information

Command: /info/l3/igmp/mrouter

[IGMP Multicast Router Menu]

vlan - Show all multicast router ports on a single vlan

dump - Show all learned multicast router ports

The following table describes the commands used to display information about multicast routers learned through IGMP Snooping.

Table 39 IGMP Multicast Router menu options





vlan <1-4095>

Displays information for all multicast groups learned on a single VLAN




Displays information for all multicast groups learned by the switch.



VRRP information

Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) support on GbE2 Interconnect Switch provides redundancy between routers in a LAN. This is accomplished by configuring the same virtual router IP address and ID number on each participating VRRP-capable routing device. One of the virtual routers is then elected as the master, based on a number of priority criteria, and assumes control of the shared virtual router IP address. If the master fails, one of the backup virtual routers will assume routing authority and take control of the virtual router IP address.

Command: /info/l3/vrrp

VRRP information:

1:vrid 2,, if 1, renter, prio 100, master, server

2:vrid 1,, if 1, renter, prio 100, backup

3:vrid 3,, if 1, renter, prio 100, master, proxy

When virtual routers are configured, you can view the status of each virtual router using this command. VRRP information includes:

Virtual router number

Virtual router ID and IP address

Interface number

Ownership status

owner identifies the preferred master virtual router. A virtual router is the owner when the IP address of the virtual router and its IP interface are the same.

renter identifies virtual routers which are not owned by this device

Priority value. During the election process, the virtual router with the highest priority becomes master.

Information Menu 53