Recorded TV History

Recorded TV History displays a list of programs which weren’t recorded and why they weren’t recorded.

In the Recorded TV History window, you can:

Find out which programs were recorded and which were canceled.

Display errors for scheduled TV programs.The program may have been in conflict with another and then canceled by Media Center, or it may have been a duplicate episode in a series.

Sort recorded programs by date, status, or name.

Clear out all TV program history.

Opening the Recorded History Window

1 Press the Start button on the remote control, select My TV, Recorded TV, and then select Scheduled.

2 Select History to display a list of programs that you have recorded.

Some of the recorded TV program messages are:

Canceled means the program was manually canceled.

Partial means part of the program was recorded.

Deleted means the program was manually deleted.

Conflict means one program was in conflict with another and one didn’t record.

Not recorded means you select to record another program after you select the first program.

My TV 107