Music Groups and Playlists (continued)
The Edit Music Group screen is displayed when the edit group option is first selected so the name of an existing group can be modified.
Editing a Music Group
1.In the Music Guide screen, highlight the group you want to edit.
2.Press the Options button Kon the remote. The Music Option screen is displayed.
3.Use the navigation
arrows to highlight more..., and press the Select button S.
4.Use the navigation arrows to highlight edit group.
5.Press the Select button S. The Edit Group screen is displayed.
6.Use the alphanumeric buttons to edit the group name.
7.Press the Select button S to continue. The Edit Music Group screen is displayed.
8.Highlight the titles you want to edit. A check mark W indicates a title is selected.
9.When you finish editing, press the Record button O to save.