Chapter 4. Implementation scenario: Tivoli Firewall Security Toolbox 121
Since there is a Relay placed in the DMZ to allow the proxies communication
across multiple firewalls (Endpoint Proxy in the more secure side and the
Gateway Proxy in the less secure side), we need to define an extra Relay
instance on this network that will allow the communication between the RC
Target Proxy and the RC Controller Proxy. This Relay will be configured as a
Child of the RC Target Proxy and a Parent of the RC Controller Proxy.
An RC Controller Proxy needs to be installed on the same machine as the
Gateway Proxy. This RC Controller Proxy will be configured to be a Child of
the second instance of the Relay. Because the RC Controller Proxy is running
on the Gateway Proxy machine, its label should be exactly the same as the
Gateway Proxy.
Since the communication is defined as unidirectional, and the RC Target
Proxy is the initiator, the RC Controller Proxy will be defined as listener.
Table4-1 shows a sum mary of the configuration of our environment, providing
hostname, operating system, and related Tivoli resources installed.
Table 4-1 Summary of Framework and Remote Control resources
This section provides a description of the data flow in our network topology,
based on our testing scenario, and also highlights the ports used for the
communication between each RC Proxy and TFST component, preparing the
basis for 4.2.3, “Firewall configuration tables” on page124 .
The schema reported in Figure 4-3 shows an overview of the data flow in our
Non-Standalone case study scenario.
Hostname Operating system Tivoli resource Remote control
tic01010 AIX 5.1 TMR Spoke and
Remote Control
tic01003 Windows 2000 Server Endpoint Proxy RC Target Proxy
tic01004 Windows 2000 Server Relay Relay
tic01005 Windows 2000 Server Gateway Proxy RC Controller
tic01006 Windows 2000
Endpoint Remote Control
tic01007 Windows 2000
Endpoint Remote Control