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Chapter 2. Implementation planning
In this chapter we provide considerations to ensure an effective implementation
of IBM Tivoli Remote Control (ITRC) within environments across an enterprise
protected by firewalls.
IBM Tivoli Remote Control is dependent on a num ber of requirements and
supporting applications as the network constraints, the enterprise IT security
policies, the Tivoli Management Framework design and, in some situations, the
Tivoli Firewall Security Toolbox configuration, which make planning an essential
task in order to ensure a successful deployment.
Before implementing IBM Tivoli Remote Control in secured areas, you need to
consider the design of your network topology and analyze all technical, network,
and security requirements. This should include a Remote Control physical design
in order to place all IBM Tivoli Remote Control components efficiently, and a
Remote Control Logical design in order to configure all required Remote Control
policies and roles. You should also consider the hardware and software
requirements and their dependencies on the various functiona l pieces of the
other applications that support the IBM Tivoli Remote Control solution.
The main topics concerning planning discussions i n this chapter are:
򐂰Considerations regarding the Remote Control design
򐂰Planning for IBM Tivoli Remote Control
򐂰Case study scenarios of IBM Tivoli Remote Control implementation planning